18 Apr, 2024

Understanding The Concept of Electromotive Force

In this article I will try to explain the concept of electromotive force. We know that if we apply some potential difference between two ends of conductor electric current flows. But that’s not all as if we look closer we will find that it is not sufficient to apply just potential difference for maintaining current […]

3 mins read

Electric Field Lines – Deep concept of electric field lines

In this article, we will try to understand what are electric field lines. Actually they are nothing. You guys are trying to look for E-field lines, while they do not exist. We talk about them because they help us understand the interactions of the charges. Think about God, have ever seen him. No, none had. […]

2 mins read

Coulomb’s Law – Explanation of Statement , Formulas-Principle, Limitation of Coulomb’s Law

This article is about coulomb’s law. Here I have tried to explain it in simple words. Hope it helps you in understanding the coulomb’s law in a comprehensive way. As mentioned in earlier article, it had been first observed in 600 before Christ by Greek philosopher Thales of Miletus, if two bodies are charged with […]

1 min read

Experiment to Explain Frictional Electricity and Concept of Charging by Induction

Hope previous articles helped you in understanding Physics in better way. In this article I will discuss a simple experiment that will clear the concept of frictional electricity and concept of charging by induction. So let’s begin with the experiment For this simple experiment take a balloon and  a paper pin. Hang paper pin with […]

2 mins read